[Agatha-Frontend] dúvidas em build da aplicação

estamos em busca de implementar o sistema Agatha lá na EBC.

Porém, estamos com uma dúvida em relação ao processo de build da aplicação no componente frontend.

No processo para o comando npm run build, ocorrem várias mensagens indicativas de erro de build, alguns exemplos são:

[14:39:57] Using gulpfile /build/gulpfile.js
[14:39:57] Starting 'clean'...
[14:39:57] Finished 'clean' after 30 ms
[14:39:57] Starting 'default'...
[14:39:57] Starting 'clean'...
[14:39:57] Starting 'scripts'...
[14:39:57] Starting 'partials'...
[14:39:57] Starting 'fonts'...
[14:39:58] Starting 'other'...
[14:39:58] Finished 'default' after 353 ms
[14:39:58] Finished 'clean' after 355 ms
[14:40:09] Finished 'fonts' after 12 s
[14:40:09] Finished 'partials' after 12 s
    12:29  error  "undefined" is defined but never used                                                          no-unused-vars
   153:24  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   251:17  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   318:17  error  You should use the angular.isObject method                                                     angular/typecheck-object
   473:5   error  You should use the "error" method of the AngularJS Service $log instead of the console object  angular/log
   473:5   error  Unexpected console statement                                                                   no-console
   753:24  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   850:24  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   903:18  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   904:20  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   905:58  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   909:21  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   913:28  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   914:21  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   923:23  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   933:21  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
   938:26  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1014:24  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1022:20  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1024:39  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1025:21  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1033:19  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1056:20  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1068:20  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1147:10  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1148:10  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1151:12  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1163:12  error  Using $$-prefixed Angular objects/methods are not recommended                                  angular/no-private-call
  1189:16  error  You should use the "error" method of the AngularJS Service $log instead of the console object  angular/log
  1189:16  error  Unexpected console statement                                                                   no-console
  1193:16  error  You should use the "error" method of the AngularJS Service $log instead of the console object  angular/log
  1193:16  error  Unexpected console statement                                                                   no-console

    3:5    error  You should use the function syntax for DI                    angular/di
    3:5    error  You should use the function syntax for DI                    angular/di
    3:5    error  You should use the function syntax for DI                    angular/di
   61:31   error  "oment" is not defined                                      no-undef
✖ 2505 problems (2445 errors, 60 warnings)
  1. O que vocês fazem para contornar isto?
  2. Ainda assim a aplicação foi gerada e pode ser usada pelos usuários?

Prezado Adriano, boa tarde.
Estamos tratando desse assunto pelo e-mail riscos@economia.gov.br.

Afinal tem solução pra isso? Conseguiram resolver?